Next Workshop:

Location: Lüneburg, Germany, Seminaris Hotel

Save the date:

28.10.2024 - 30.10.2024

Information, Agenda, Registration form

Registration is open:

i.langbein@gmx.de or support@otfstudio.com.

Skillshare Alter Hafen Luneburg

Photo: source.

New features, updates, and bug fix are here.

The most recent: Stack options (analysis, synthesis),  Multi-scan import, new COM example

The most recent publications in thin film optics

  • T. Melzig, T. Amochkina, S. Bruns, Ph. Henning, J. Terhürne, M. Trubetskov, M. Vergöhl, Influence of fitting algorithms on thickness determination during monitoring of optical coatings, Surface and Coating Technology, 2023
  • A. Weigel, P. Jacob, W. Schweinberger, M. Huber, M. Trubetskov, P. Karandušovský, C. Hofer, T. Buberl, T. Amotchkina, M. Högner, D. Hahner, P. Sulzer, A. Leitenstorfer, V. Pervak, F. Krausz, I. Pupeza, Dual-oscillator infrared electro-optic sampling with attosecond precision, Optica, Vol. 11 (2024), pp. 726-735 https://doi.org/10.1364/OPTICA.515708
  • T. Amochkina and M. Trubetskov, Designing broadband dispersive mirrors in the mid-infrared spectral range: a theoretical study, Applied Optics Vol. 62, pp. B63-B72 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.47707
  • T. Amotchkina, M. Trubetskov, V. Janicki,  J. Sancho-Parramon, Reverse engineering of e-beam deposited optical filters based on multi-sample photometric and ellipsometric data, Applied Optics Vol. 62, pp. B35-B42 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.477181
  • H. Kassab, S. Gröbmeyer, W. Schweinberger, C. Hofer, P. Steinleitner, M. Högner, T. Amotchkina, D. Gerz, M. Knorr, R. Huber, N. Karpowicz, and I. Pupeza, In-line synthesis of multi-octave phase-stable infrared light, Opt. Express, Vol. 31, pp. 24862-24874 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.493887

Publications in peer-review journals

Michael Trubetskov is winner of all recent optical interference coatings design contests

Network:  optence grau rot